5Who: Anyone interested in training for the annual Baron P. “Deuce” Braswell II 5K Run/Walk Against Teen Violence on September 20, 2025.
When: Dates TBD
Every Tuesday & Thursday
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Training is free for runners registered for the 5k.
Where: John Lee Pratt Memorial Park, 120 River Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405
How: Register for the RUN aRe yoU iN? 5K program
RUN aRe yoU iN? 5K Training Program
The Details
Train for the Annual Baron P. “Deuce” Braswell II Run / Walk Against Teen Violence wish will be held on the 20th of September 2025 at Courtland High School. Get ready to run with the help of Coach Lou Peradotto and other experienced runners from the Fredericksburg Area Runners Club (FARC). Lou and members of the Fredericksburg Area Running Club (FARC) will be volunteering their time to help train, answer questions and support you in your journey.
This program is open to the public. Runners under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult family member to participate. All participants will need to sign a FARC safety release waiver on-site before each session.
Be sure to bring water to stay hydrated throughout the training sessions. If it is absolutely too hot to safely train or in case of severe weather, cancellation notices will be posted on the FARC Facebook Group